Question by bigboy105us: How would you get into film editing without getting involved with major companies like MGM or Warner Bros?
No one answered this before so please answer.
all I enjoy is just some simple editing of films like commercials, music videos or something small. I’m not into all that major Hollywood stuff because they’ll make you work too hard with no sleep! Can I work in some store or something or some place to edit simple films or something? I don’t knwo what I’m talking about LOL.
Best answer:
Answer by Lauren
You have to work with some type of company I’m sure to have a job in film editing. But there are places in almost every state that you could edited commercials and such without being in the whole “hollywood” scene. You’ll just have to ask around and google that type of stuff. Also google Film Internships in your area that will help find places that would be nice to work at near you or in other states.
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