Feel free to reupload the video to youtube or to another video website, and share it on facebook, twitter, email or any other place 🙂 Made by PuttingItMildly and phoenixred999. Join the Facebook Group : www.facebook.com United Nations Watch : www.unwatch.org Terrorism Awareness Project : www.terrorismawareness.org _________________________________ I Am Israel. I was born millennia before I was renamed Palestine by the conquering Romans, and before the british decided to turn my Eastern lands into Jordan, My people, the Jews, maintained communities here for three thousand years, that is until the arabs decided to massacre those Jews in 1920 (Nabi musa riots) and 1929 (Hebron massacre). hundreds of civilians were murdered, most of them women and children. Meanwhile, their brother Arab states exiled 1000000 Arabic Jews, Erasing their History. I Am Israel – I’ve been attacked four times by five Arab armies in 60 years. I am a survivor, I won every war they waged against me. I told the Arabs who lived on my land that they were welcome to stay, but their brothers said, “leave temporarily while the Jews are taken care of”. I have been offering a message of peace since the day I was born. But my enemies answered only in bombs, bullets and blood – our own, and theirs. Realizing they could not defeat me with arms, my enemies turned to lies. Pallywood Production. I Am Israel – time and time again my name is smeared. Though like the Muhamad Al-Dura hoax, each lie is eventually …
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Samparkour is a short movie documentary that reveals São Paulo under the look of Parkour. Where people see obstacles, Zico Corrêa visualize new possibilities. What’s your relation with the urban space? www.samparkour.com.br Director: Wiland Pinsdorf Co-Director: Arthur GW Guttilla Traceur: Zico Corrêa Production Company: Canvas 24p Filmes
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