Question by Elizabeth: I do not understand Art History!?
I do not understand a THING about Art History! I don’t even understand why I have to take it? I’m more interested in film editing, I don’t care about painting, sculpturing or whatever happened long time ago, how it started and all that. I don’t understand why I need to take it! I took it last semester and had to drop it because I was doing so bad in that class and now I’m taking another shot at it and I, AGAIN, failed another assignment because I do not get the class at all. I asked the teacher for help but all she did was throw me some youtube videos on art history which was no help at all and she does not offer tutoring. How can I pass this class? I don’t understand the materials at all or anything about Art History. I have absolutely no interest at all whatsoever in Art and have no backgrounds at all in the area but I’m still forced to take it because I want to be a film editor. What does film editing have to do with painting? I don’t get it. I am very frustrated here.
Best answer:
Answer by Rebel
I wish my school offered Art History.
I think it should be an option to take it.
In my school, we have to take some kind of Art class, but not Art History.
I’ve taken Art 1 & Right now I’m taking Music Theory & Composition.
I know how you feel though.
I don’t understand regular History like wars n’stuff.
I hate it.
It’s taken me about 3 hours to do the paper I’m doing right now, and I’m still only about half done.
Art History isn’t really even useful at all though.
Seriously, when is somebody on the street gonna be like, “Hey you, tell me who painted this painting and what kind of story they wanted to tell while painting it. What inspired them? Blah blah blah.”
Unless you want to go to an art school, or be an artist, or art teacher, I don’t see how it’s gonna be useful at all to you.
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