Question by Matt M: I freelance in TV/Film Production. Would it be a good idea to work as a freelance paralegal between jobs?
So I went out to Hollywood for two years after graduation, worked a good amount on movie sets and at production companies and got some great experience. I couldn’t afford to live out there like a responsible bill-paying adult on just production work though (even with the bare minimum in lifestyle comforts). It was partially due to the economy, but everyone who was living okay had a side job. Most people were waiters and bartenders, but I don’t think that’s working out so well for alot of people.
One of the things I plan to do while home is get trained in a higher paying skill that could get me steady work in between production jobs, and one of the things that was reccomended to me (by my Mom in fact) was working as a paralegal, on a freelance basis. Now I know this could help me get into entertainment law as well, which is cool, but as far as freelancing as a paralegal between production work, can someone really do this? Can I realistically go from job to job and then take a haitus from paralegal work for a month or 2, go work on a show, then call whatever temp agency hooks me up with the work and expect to get some more? I tried doing a similar thing with office jobs, but work was scarce anyway and it didn’t pay the bills, but I’m curious to see what people think.
Best answer:
Answer by WRG
If you can find a temp agency that specializes in paralegals you might be able to make it work. Other than that few lawyers are looking for paralegals that work as you do.
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