Question by Randatronic: I have lots of excellent ideas for film. How do I contact a producer or someone interested?
About a year back I started gaining interest in film and novels. After reading and watching a ton of films ideas started to come in my head and I started writing all my ideas down. I have about ten ideas for screenplays and stories and some I think could be successful in Hollywood. Is it impossible to contact a big company, producer, or director to pitch an idea to? Where should I start?
Best answer:
Answer by Ravie S
Without any sort of name for yourself, it would be extremely difficult to just “pitch an idea” to major companies. You’ve got to start out small. Either write a full screenplay and look up “how to become a screenwriter” for tips into going into that career, or else pitch your idea to someone who’s making student films and start off there. If your stuff is good enough at the small levels, it will eventually get noticed by people in the big levels.
There’s lots and lots of aspiring hollywood writers out there, so you’re up against a lot of competition. But good luck.
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