by phoosh
Question by Melesmelda: I need a fast, easy short film idea! Help?
For my film production class, we’ve had the last few months to come up with, film, and edit a short film, about 5 minutes long. I’ve had several ideas that have died before being filmed, and the one I stuck with, a horror-comedy about the reprecussions of not passing on a chain letter, came out horrible when it was filmed.
So! I have about a week and a half to make a 5 minute movie–filming and editing won’t be a problem, it’s the idea I need. Only three rules:
1.) The cast is 1-3 teenage girls.
2.) It needs to take place in the daytime. Nighttime on my camera looks like crap.
3.) Setting can be a house, the outside of a subdivision, or… Wal-Mart.
Any ideas? Much appreciated!
Best answer:
Answer by Sahara*
Wal-mart, about shoplifting, but tell the wal-mart staff of course so they don’t really think ur shop lifting..
You can try to make it funny and in the same time prove a point that shoplifting is wrong.. that kinda thing..
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!