Question by Asta: i need and idea for a 5-7 min. film?
I reallly need a good grade, and i need it to be easy. its for a digital video production class.
i would like to use stuffed animals, because i think it will be easier…but i mean anyideas are welcome. i need this to be easy to do, and i need it to not take much time because i have till jan 10th to edit and everything
Best answer:
Answer by Highalltimes
ok so make a movie where a stuffed animal wants to be a human … then you can have them do like a ritual deal . and become human .. llol you can use all kids of crazy effects .. .. and you could give the story good twist like once hes human he hates it .. try to be orignal no happy ending .. i beg of you .. leave people wanting .. have him get all set to turn back into a stuffed animal .. and he gets stabbed or something .. im dead serious .. if youve ever seen Pulp fiction .. theres a part in the movie thats pretty random .. hes fighting with a person .. and they end up in a pawn shop .. where out of nowhere for seeemingly no reason the owner kidnaps them and rapes pne of themm if youve only seen it once you are Like spell bound because its unexpected .. you dont have to rape an animal .. just Be creative .. i beg of you .. Good luck
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