Question by bigguy18: I need educational advice on a paper i wrote in my college film class?
I had these response papers I write for class and its based on an analysis for a film we watch. Anyway this is my 5th response paper I submitted and the teacher gave me a 0 out of 2 points. He said it was more observational and not an analysis. If your an expert on english papers, can you give me your honest opinion. I would really appreciate and at the same time right now, I am pissed off. Here is my response paper i wrote below:
In the feature film High Noon, sounds were a consentaneity of sound patterns that gave a lot of meaning to the storyline of the characters and setting. Some great examples of sound are scenes that had no sounds except the characters voices, how employ repeats motifs, and the use of various objects to produce particular sound effects.
There are scenes in the movie where there are two or more characters having conversations and audiences don’t hear anything else, except their voices. One particular example is the scene after the Marshal and Amy say their vows on their wedding day. There is a whole group of people behind them wishing the best of luck, and during that moment, the audiences only hear the characters speak. Another scene is the Marshal giving an announcement at the church and people listening to what he says. There is no music or sound to back up what he is saying.
There were some repeated motifs; such as, repeated music playing at scenes that have similar themes and meaning. Some of the scenes in particular are the three bad guys who wait for their fourth guy at the train station. Every time the camera is pointing towards those men, there are music themes that related to suspicion or giving the reality that danger is coming. Another is the confrontation conversations with the men and women. Whenever there was a couple in an argument or disagreement, they would have a musical theme that presents uncertainty and the music follows a system that matches the words or phrases that are being exchanged to one another.
There is also the use of various objects to produce particular sound effects. For example, whenever clocks are ticking, they have different objects that are being used for the sound effect. They can be the tapping of glass cups or the plucking of a string. Another is the bird sounds that are presented when the Marshal is walking outside. Those birds are not there, so they add them in with the sound mix later on during editing. Lastly is the chorus that is singing in church. If the audiences look closely, some of the members are not singing at all, so it’s safe to assume that the chorus was recorded on a different track and not while it was being shot.
This has been an amazing film that has great sound patterns going on throughout the film and it’s because of scenes that had no sounds except the characters voices, how employ repeats motifs, and the use of various objects to produce particular sound effects.
Best answer:
Answer by Canadian Bacon
Your teacher is right. You did a good job of identifying meaningful scenes, however you failed to analyze *why* they were meaningful, and how they were effective in delivering that meaning.
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