Question by stephxcore3: I need help picking a song for a video?
Sooo im making a fan video for the invisible but im having trouble picking songs to use for it. Since its kind of an indie film, I want indie/mellow music that will go along with it, like the songs used in the movie. BUT there are lots of parts that are more “action and violence” then mellow stuff, so i need some kind of song that will fit into both mellow and action. Like I wanted to use “bring me to life” by evanescence but its way too rock for this kind of movie. It fits well with the parts i put it with, but im having trouble transitioning from rock and action clips to mellow music and clips.
Soo this is what i need:
-A bunch of mellow/indie songs like the ones in the movie [I already have the songs from the soundtrack. I need new ones like them]
-A way to arrange the clips/transion the music from upbeat to mellow [like going from evanescence to death cab for cutie]
Please only serious answers from people who know what they’re talking about. This question is mostly directed to filmmakers. I am a filmmaker myself, and dont get me wrong, im not one of those amatuers with no talent you see mixing music with the wrong scenes and making shitty videos. lol
ANYWAY sorry for talking so much.
Kay now this is the part where you answer my question :]
Best answer:
Answer by Leroy
Umm.. Can you rewrite it and make it smaller?
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