Question by punkrooster1210: i tried to make a serious short movie?
ive made a bunch of dumb goof off videos with my friends for various class projects, but this was our first time actually going for something serious and not just a laugh. what do you think? i want to go into filmmaking as my career eventually. i haven’t had any real schooling in this (im not in college yet) so what do you think? i mean do you think that with going to school, i have potential in that field? i wrote, directed and edited this. my friend did the music and i put it in.
please any comments and opinion would be sooo helpful.
comment here and not on the video please
yeah because you know being a poor high school kid, i can afford high caliber actors.. piss off about the acting. thats not what im asking about. thank you
well it wasnt really appropriate, but our teacher didnt give us any restrictions or guidelines so we just went for it and he ended up liking it. i also go to a private school, so the level of what is appropriate or allowed is a lot more up to the individual teachers than school policies
Best answer:
Answer by KillerWolf
Nice! I like it
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