Question by Lily G: I want to be a film editor. What classes should I take?
I want to be a film editor for a future career. I was wondering what high school and college classes will be good to take for this job? I make a lot of movies with my friends and family and edit them on iMovie. I really enjoy it. But I don’t want to be a writer, just an editor. Any suggestions on classes?
Best answer:
Answer by OnePenToRuleThemAll
Well, let me start by saying well done. You are in the right direction using the right operating system and (basically) the right software. As for courses you could get a job in film editing with a generic media qualification, video compositioning or more specifically; you can do degrees specifically in Film Editing and I know a friend who did that; they’re usually 3-4 years long and there’s a good balance between theory and practical. Believe it, or not, but there’s a lot of conceptual work with editing. You have to hand draw conceptual pieces like storyboards and so on, but it’s good fun! You’ll get to use all the industry standard programs like Final Cut Pro, Premier Pro, Adobe After Effects and so on.
It’s a steep climb, but you seem very motivated and I wish you good luck.
If you have any other questions regarding the classes e-mail me ( and I’ll ask my friend to forward you the info.
Bently, you made some valid and truthful points and it may have been different when you started (experience may compensate for lack of qualification), but starting out now; degrees are a must have in this day in age, especially with the competitiveness of the market. I don’t know how anyone could get a top editing job these days without them. You obviously have industry experience, but I personally believe that a degree is more benefitial and a greater recognised qualification than being instructed by an FCP, or Avid professional, despite being a more appealing option. At the end of the day, both have their advantages and neither way is essentially ‘wrong’.
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