Question by punkrooster1210: i want to do movies?
ok, so i am 16 and i really want to be an actor and/or filmaker. i was wondering if any of you had any advice for me or information that could help me out? if you know of a place where i can take a film making class for cheap/free or of somewhere i can go and audition or get an agent. or just somewhere reliable where i can submit my resume’ would be helpful. any knowledge you have that you think may help me out would be greatly appreciated!
thank you in advance for your help 🙂
Best answer:
Answer by rowanwagner
There are many good programs – the first place to start your search is the website of the Screen Actors Guild which will give you a lot of information about the nuts and bolts of being a film actor/actress with links to schools and programs – as always a good place to start fopr practical experience is in a local theater group or high-school theater group –
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