Question by Amber: I want to do something in th film industry, it’s my dream. I need LOTS of advice, please help?
I am 21 years old and have always wanted to do something in the film industry. I recently took an intro to film making class. It was very fun but difficult b/c I have no prior experience. I have amazing ideas for stories, I’d love to act but I know its incredibly difficult to do. I’m currently going to school for a communications degree with a minor in film and cinema studies. I don’t think this teaches you anything about creating a film project. I live in Minnesota and really don’t want to move away. There is a technical college here that has a film program but the classes are offered at inconvenient times. I have not given up but I really have nobody to talk to about this. None of my school counselors can point me in the right direction. So many people my age interested in film are already out there getting experience and it kills me b/c I have no idea where to go! So if anybody has advice about majors, what I should do to get started or any other help please let me know! Thank you so much!
i didn’t say I wanted to become rich and famous, to me its not about that so don’t be a jerk. I was simply asking for advice and I’m not sitting around being lazy. I completed a film course not at my school but at a some film organization through MNfilm. I’m currently interning with a local film festival and looking for more internships so don’t assume everybody who wants a career in this industry is out for the fame and fortune. It’s about being able to express myself and chasing down a dream that I have had since I was 9.
Best answer:
Answer by Peach
If you’re not willing to move from Minnesota, I’d give up your dream of working on film.
If you cared about this, and it was your dream, you would be willing to sacrifice to go to the classes. I don’t mean to be rude, but it is so annoying to have people repeatedly ask ambiguous questions about being involved in the “film industry” but have no idea what they want to do. They only want to be rich and famous without having to actually get a real job or try. This is not an easy industry to get a job in, you can’t be a lazy, apathetic person.
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