Question by Neo M: I want to get into the film industry?
And I am trying to debate on whether to go to a university, or go to a film-school (tech school) get an internship, job, then settle in the job and then finish college.
So, either go to college, graduate in film (specifically film editing) or… I am looking at
Is that site legit? If not, is there a more legit school liek that that anyone knows about? That film connection isn’t a scam right?
Most of all, should I go to college first then try to get a job after it, or should I do something like Film Connection, get a job, then finish college. I have 34 hours of my core classes in college already.
I may decide to learn different aspects of film besides just film editing, actually I know I will, but my passion is film editing. And, if Film Connection is the real deal, should I stay where I live and learn in Texas, or maybe move somewhere like New York for 6 months to train?
Best answer:
Answer by david w
check out the schools at ….
while NO education is required to make a film, if you want longevity in the field then go to the best school that you can afford. once you start working and making a living you will find that it is very difficult to ever go back. SOOO, get some loans and go to the best school that will let you in. The better schools are always WAY more expensive, but in the long run well worth it unless you are a prodigy of some sort and able to produce your own “ROCKY” or “Good Will Hunting”….
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