Question by Untitled: Ideas for photographs in an anti-drug campaign/advertisement?
Hey all!
For my classes Health assignment, we have to make a TV advertisement against drugs.
My group is making it like one of those government ads which are shown in Australia. They’re raw, confrontational and have alot of impact.
They show what can happen to you if you use different drugs, for example, here’s one:
We’re going to film some scenes, use an editing program to cut it etc & put narration on it using a microphone and computer and also add some photography.
(I am an experimental photographer with a Nikon D60 DSLR camera).
We were wondering if you have any ideas for these photos, they need to have a girl model, looking as if she’s affected by ecstasy. Btw: it can be in any environment.
So far we’ve thought about a girl with wet dripping hair, make up looking exhausted, laying uncomfortably in a tub of water. Also a headshot of the girl. And a girl sitting in the fetal position in a bare, white, uncomfortable room.
Sorry – forgot to put the link in to an example:
To the second answerer: we’re talking about the long term affects, we cannot show anything too grafic (generally meaning realistic) as it is a school activity.
Best answer:
Answer by Oculus
I’d recomend making the situation as realistic as possible, that way, the audience will relate more, and are more likely to heed your message.
Other than that, I would not recommend a comical approach, as this might draw attention away from the purpose of the film (a deterant for drugs).
Of course, these are subjective opinions.
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!