Uganda by Idi Amin. Joseph Olita again plays Amin in a cameo.
The Last King of Scotland (2006), a film adaptation of Giles Foden’s 1998 fictional novel of the same name. For his portrayal of Idi Amin in this film, actor Forest Whitaker won the Academy Award for Best Actor, a BAFTA, the Screen Actors’ Guild award for Best Actor (Drama), and a Golden Globe.
In the 1989 Indian TV film, In Which Annie Gives It Those Ones, the character Kasozi sometimes makes an unusual noise while sleeping. There is a legend in the hostel that he did that when he was dreaming about Idi Amin, who ‘had killed his pop or something…’
General Idi Amin Dada: A Self Portrait (1974), directed by French filmmaker Barbet Schroeder.
Idi Amin: Monster in Disguise (1997), a television documentary directed by Greg Baker.
The Man Who Ate His