Question by smartestmanalive: If i wanted to start my own video production, what should i do?
I was thinking of starting my own video production company. I wanted to know what kind of laws govern this business (copyrights)
How is money made in this business, if i wanted to shoot a documentary to whom are the videos usually sold to and what is involved in advertising the films.
Anyone with knowledge in the industry or any insite please feel free to leave me some tips
Best answer:
Answer by lare
the producer of a video owns the copyright. that also is the person that will be sued for any infringements.
you normally produce for a client. the most common client is the mother of the bride. the most common documentary is the wedding.
producing on speculation normally is not profitable except in cases of blackmail. if you are producing for theatrical release, then getting displayed at Sundance or other festivals can lead to a distribution contract. otherwise you are out your own money, unless you had investors.
there are other niches in the industry depending on who you know, such as news/vnr, advertising spots, community access on cable, instructional/educational, …
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