Question by warnerbrown01: I’m an indie filmmaker. I want to keep people updated on my next film. But I don’t want my ideas stolen
The short film I’m doing is very high-concept. It isn’t copyrighted. I want to keep people updated without giving away too much, but I fear this idea might be taken. Should I do a poor man’s copyright and mail it to myself? this is totally original. The film will be complete by 2009 and I don’t want people stealing ideas. I know I should register the script with the writers guild, but in the meantime should I just shut up? even being vague with descriptions tends to suggest things. But maybe I’m just your typical paranoid writer/director, weigh in
Best answer:
Answer by Fox Box
I do idie films and other projects myself. I even have a green screen. But anyways my suggestion to you is channel it through a medium which will copyright it for you. For example I make a podcast announcing my films. iTunes in turn takes it and slaps a (c) copyright stamp with my name on it. It’s often much cheaper to! I spent about $ 10.50 and they give me a life time of copyright rights to my material. Or alternatively you can find similar things that will do it for you as well.
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