Question by boogy81869: Im starting my first feature film does anyone know or suggest?
im starting my first feature film an independent does anyone know what i should do before i go on production like legal writes or anything like that if you filmmakers can give me tips and suggestions that would be great since other greeday filmmakers dont help at all
Best answer:
Answer by prE4chEr
first i suggest you learn how to use spellcheck. second i suggest you check this site out
and don’t be afraid to put your money where your mouth is.
you are going to get more useful information from a site that is dedicated to independent film then you are from yahoo.
and don’t forget once you get your sh*t together you need to give aspiring filmmakers information too. don’t just forget about the help you get from people. P.S. if you make it, hit me up. i have all kinds of half scripts. about 16. to me half scripts are scripts that have all the scenes and maybe some major dialogue, but aren’t ready to send out. they are my works in progress. but seriously check out that site.
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