Question by Nythex Turalyon: In the “Film And Video Editing” career, is it possible to choose what kind of films you want to edit?
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I have an interest in Film & Video Editing, but one question, when i get there, am i going to be told “By the way, you’ll editing horror films” or do i actually get to choose what i like to edit?
In all truth, I’d enjoy most, doing editing in the family / Animation…. stuff like “Alpha & Omega”, “Hop”, “Ice Age”, “Finding Nemo”…
Motion Picture Animations like these are the ones i would most enjoy, is it possible to say “I want to do these kinds of films.” ?
Best answer:
Answer by fhotoace
Your skills, networking with producers and director as well as other film editors will have more to do with the first films you work.
Just be happy to work on “any” post production and see how it goes
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