by goodrob13
Question by FAshionPassion: Independent filmmaker question. How do you get your movie in Blockbuster or on Sci Fi channel or in magazine?
I’m thinking of going to film school and I know people that have graduated film school still not being able to get their movies in stores like Blockbuster and even on tv. I’m sure this is called the distribution process. Is there like a magazine or catalog that you have to be asked or get into and then like the regional manager at a Blockbuster will look at it and then decide on what goes into that particular store? Same thing for sci fi channel how do you get your film on that or Or in fangoria magazine
thanks all help appreciated because the professors don’t seem to know and I don’t wanna waste time going to school if they don’t know!!!!!
Best answer:
Answer by Jimmy W
Hmm.. I think you are putting the horse before the carriage.
If you want to go to film school, go. When you graduate, that is when you should worry about getting movies on TV. Who knows; you might go for a semester, realize you hate it, and drop it; and then you’ll have wasted all this time trying to figure out distribution for nothing.
Besides; the teachers know. They aren’t going to tell you until you pay them tuition; that’s their job.
EDIT: I don’t think Blockbuster usually carries Indie films. The Space Channel usually only plays well-known or at least big-budget films. Anyway, contact Blockbuster, Sci-Fi, and Fangoria, and ask them. Easiest way to get answers.
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