www.pbs.org Premiering Tuesday, October 19. Check local listings: www.pbs.org “I bought the car. How could there not be a place to park it? Surely, it comes with a parking space.” “The Parking Lot Movie” is a documentary about a singular parking lot in Charlottesville, Virginia and its select group of attendants that inhabit its microcosm. The employees are a uniquely varied group comprised of undergraduate and graduate students, philosophers, intellectuals, musicians, artists, and marginal-type characters. Three years in the making, this documentary is a strange rite of passage for all involved. Themes receiving daily scrutiny and detailing include cars and license plates, capitalism, anger, justice, drunkenness, spiritual awareness, class struggle, entitlement, and working in the service sector. For these toll-booth toilers, the intersection between the status quo and the quest for freedom becomes the challenge. Something as simple as a parking lot becomes an emotional way station for The American Dream. As one attendant put it, “We had it all in a world that had nothing to offer us.” Find out more about “The Parking Lot Movie”: www.pbs.org Learn more about “Independent Lens”: www.pbs.org Watch “Independent Lens” films online: video.pbs.org