In India, 10 students are participating in a filmmaking workshop organized by UNICEF. They’re competing in the global contest making short films about child rights. Heres the story. Ten youngsters, ranging in age from 12 to 25, are taking part in a UNICEF workshop on filmmaking in India’s eastern Kolkata. The contest called ‘One minute youth video films’ is part of UNICEFs 20th anniversary of the Convention on the Rights of the Child. The idea is to let the youngsters produce one-minute videos to convey their opinions on child rights. [Lori Calvo, UNICEF ]: “UNICEF in West Bengal has organized this workshop so that children will be able to express their thinking, the challenges they are facing, their desires with regard to health, to protection, to education, hygiene and sanitation.” Shankhamala Ray, whose story called ‘Right to Joy’ was selected for filming, says she is grateful for the training provided by UNICEF. [Shankhamala Ray, Filmmaker]: “First of all I want to thank UNICEF for giving me the chance to make a film on my own. I have learned all the basics of filmmaking at the workshop organized by UNICEF.” Right from creating the idea, acting, doing the camerawork, and choosing locations, the contestants are doing everything by themselves.
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