Question by Trout: Industry Minister for Canada denies supplying the Palin family with Yellow snow and denies ever snorting it?
Despite educational programs the eating and snorting of yellow snow persists
In this exclusive documentary that has yet to be made — we will discover the links of the Industry Minister to the production and transportation of yellow snow and any possible involvement he may have had at parities with the Palins who have a long history with yellow snow abuse
Any thoughts of comments on whether these new allegations will end the Ministers career or what impacts this may have on Sarah Palin future Presidential hopeful for 2012
Best answer:
Answer by tonysanabria
Another myth held by Liberal mothers was that eating yellow snow would act as a method of birth-control and prevent insemination:
But as questions on Y/A have proven this was a total fallacy.
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!