On my way back from a two week trip to glorious Indonesia, I was jet lagged, weary, and ready to come home. As I proceeded to the Air Tran ticket check in counter in Los Angeles, I saw a tall, handsome chap who kindly checked in my bags and gave me my air ticket.
The wait and queue was quite long, which made customers in line a bit irritable. It got a bit tense, but nevertheless I patiently had a brief conversation with this intellectual gentleman who was serving me. He told me he was from Iran, which immediately interested me further.
I told him that I was particularly interested in producing a documentary film on this country and traveling through it to see what life and sentiments are really like toward the western world. I care not to believe all American media propaganda, neither to be governed by fear.
My parents were greatly fearful about me going to Indonesia and acted as if I was going to die there. It was nothing of the sort as the Indonesian people greatly embraced and welcomed me. I even made friends with an entire company of army police who happily were snapping photographs with me. Veiled Muslim women in Java were doing the same at Borobudur Temple.
So you can’t believe everything you hear in the media. Fear is self-centered and never a great way to live your life. People are people everywhere, all having similar needs and desires. We all have dreams and aspirations. We all want to be recognized, respected, and loved.
Therefore I always endeavor to leave my comfort zone and truly engage people worldwide. Having traveled now to over 50 countries and 6 continents, I am continually looking for opportunities to capture culture and people as it truly is abroad.
My Iranian friend (Davood) has since emailed me often and told me his friends back home in Iran are involved in filmmaking. His father is a historian and very intelligent man about Iran. Davood has invited me to go with him to Iran and film the documentary we discussed.
I am very excited and expectant about doing this. It will be a token of peace and international dialogue for the world to watch and behold. I already have all of the video equipment to make the production. I now only need to gather some noble investors to help us with our travel expenses and finance the promotion of the documentary.
These are the occurrences that serendipity can bring to you to have meaningful relationships and live a purposeful life when you remain open. Though I was coming home jet lagged and weary to Florida, I got some fresh fire and desire for my next project at the least likely time. Indeed sweet serendipity is most sublime and can occur suddenly any time.
Paul Davis is a motivational speaker, life purpose coach, worldwide minister, change master, creative consultant, and turnaround specialist.
Paul is the author of several books including Breakthrough for a Broken Heart; Adultery: 101 Reasons Not to Cheat; Are You Ready for True Love; Stop Lusting & Start Living; Waves of God; Supernatural Fire; Poems that Propel the Planet; and God vs. Religion.
Paul’s compassion for people & passion to travel has taken him to over 50 countries of the world where he has had a tremendous impact. Paul has served in many war-torn, impoverished and tsunami stricken regions of the earth. His Dream-Maker Inc. is building dreams, breaking limitations & reviving nations.
Paul’s Seminars inspire, revive, awaken, impregnate with purpose, impart the fire of desire, catapult people into a new level of self-awareness, facilitate destiny discovery and dream fulfillment.
Contact Paul to minister, speak at your event or for life coaching:
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Kyle and Matty test the 10000 hour theory out to see if it works. trainer/Edited/produced/directed/cinematography by Devin Williams Feel free to hate or doubt….. it’s kind of expected haha although it would be kind of weird to hate on something you can draw inspiration from.
Video Rating: 4 / 5
Question by Nicole Barry: What are my chances at NYU?
I’m in tenth grade and am starting to develop ideas on where I might want to to college. One of my first choices would be NYU, but I’m unsure as to whether I have a chance. Here’s some information pertaining to admissions:
-I’m in a program similar to the IB. Unlike the IB, however, it has a focus on the humanities – literature, history, art criticism, documentary filmmaking.
-My weighted GPA is around 4.2.
-I’m unsure what my unweighted GPA is, but I had 3.71s for first, third and the current (fourth) quarter this year and a 3.85 for second. I got all As and one C (in math) fourth quarter.
-I was a straight-A student freshman year. (I don’t think freshman really matters, though.)
-I may apply to NHS.
-I have taken voice lessons for about a year and a half once weekly, through a reputable music school in my area. I have been enrolled in some form of music lessons for most of my life.
-I take art once weekly, again through a reputable program.
-I am doing a month-long French immersion program this summer in Québec and am planning to take French throughout the remainder of high school. I may do an exchange program during senior year.
-I am white, female, fairly well-off and live on the East Coast.
-I am planning on becoming involved with more clubs next year – hopefully art and lit mag.
-I took one AP class this year (government) and am taking three next year – art history, ang (or it could be lit, I get them confused) and modern world history. These are compulsory for my program.
-I did well on my PSAT scores, which were decent for math and nearly perfect for reading and writing. However, I don’t know how well this predicts success on the real SAT. My total PSAT was around 200.
-I am planning on taking studio art junior and senior years.
I’d probably be looking at a humanities-related major. Possibly Tisch, but at this point, I’m still uncertain.
Additionally, how much would NHS help me?
I haven’t taken the SAT. The PSAT was the closest I had to offer.
Best answer:
Answer by da
VERY GOOD CHANCE!!, 4.2 GPA, Straight A’s and 2000 on SAT, 😀 gl
Give your answer to this question below!
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Video Rating: 4 / 5