Question by juliette: Is it weird that I am taking a different workshop?
okay, so I have these summer plans and one of them is joining a workshop for film and TV productions…
well, however, whenever I tell these people, they think that it’s weird and they mostly laugh and felt that it’s useless, since my course is Physical Therapy – got nothing to do with this whole entertainment thing.
Actually I am a frustrated journalist or scriptwriter (these are the things which I really want to do), but my dad just told me to go for the more practical one and just make them part of my hobbies.
my mom was the one to push me take the workshop though, but my classmates think that it’s useless.. i really don’t have to listen to them, but maybe they are right? should I just find myself something related to Physical Therapy?
Best answer:
Answer by mean_girl_157
it iz sooooooooooooooo not wierd!
trying out different things helps u to look at things in another vision!
so do what u think is rite and who cares what ur friends say!?
just be true to yourself and everythingz gonna b k!
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