Question by C.: is the canon rebel t2i/550d ideal for an independent filmmaker?
the image quality on these cameras are outstanding. I was wondering if buying this over the canon hv40 would be a smart choice. Yes, I am aware of this camera’s sound setting. Thanks!
Best answer:
Answer by fhotoace
Maybe, but the HV40 is designed to be used as a video camera. The T2i has what is called a “video feature”. Many hobbiests have been using dSLR’s with this feature with pretty good results, but if you intend to actually release your video as a 35 mm theatrical print, you will want to use a camera more like this one.
As you can see, all the features needed to provide your video editor with stock footage crafted specifically for indie filmmakers is built in.
The two independent film makers I know who use video cameras, rent them.
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