Question by RON PAUL for President 2008: Is the source of US power revealed in the movie: Riddles in Stone The Secret Architecture of Washington DC?
And will it silence once and for all the profane and naive who say things like “it’s just a conspiracy theory” and “go put on your tin foil hat” and “you must be a kool-aid drinker”?
“Riddles is said to be the best documentary ever produced on Freemasonry and the influence of secret societies in America. This influence is revealed through the architecture of Washington D.C., but this only forms a backdrop for the filmmakers to expose the occult nature of Masonic philosophy.
Most impressive are the contrasting interviews with Freemasons and other members of arcane societies alongside those who criticize Masonry for having a hidden agenda.
One can hear from their own mouths what the Masons and esoteric groups really believe – and their answers will shock you. If you want to learn the difference between “conspiracy theories” and REAL history, see this film.”
Riddles in Stone – The Secret Architecture of Washington DC
Best answer:
Answer by Calliope
I have run into SO many people that just roll their eyes when you mention the Freemasons, or Skull & Bones, or Bohemian Grove, or the Bilderberg Group. It frustrates me because I am not some uneducated, crazy conspiracy theorist, and this stuff can be found in any library, or online, and it’s just facts, plain and simple.
If they doubt, I just say “look it up yourself then, and don’t trust my word for it”. They usually never make the effort, but continue to moan and complain and say it’s all “conpiracy theories”.
I remember taking the time to look up this kind of stuff a couple years ago. What I found (on factual sites) was shocking and scary. The government though, depends on the fact that the American people will remain apathetic and disbelieving. And they do.
Don’t get me wrong, there ARE plenty of “loonies” out there. Plenty of crazy conspiracy theorists with tin foil hats. But that doesn’t negate simple facts, and the groups I mentioned are fact.
As to your question: I have not seen this video. I would like to see it very much—though I have seen the “architecture” in D.C. that you speak of, on several maps, and online sites. It’s pretty nuts, isn’t it? It’s just unreal until you see it with your own eyes…then it’s like “Oh my God!” It’s unbelievable that they did that with the roads and buildings.
Good luck trying to get anyone here to watch it though. Most of them are just content to sit and think our government’s past (and present) is pure as the driven snow. As if.
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