by go mustangs
Question by 1106: is there a website listing classes you can go to college for and what you can become with that degree?
example you go to film production and it lists like director and producer and etc.
Best answer:
Answer by CoachT
There’s a better way to go about that search. Instead of attaching jobs to majors, find the job first and then see what major /degree is required.
The list in that format can be found in the Occupational Outlook Handbook
The lists of “what can you do with a degree in _____” are usually written by a university that is interested in convincing you to come there and major in one of those areas. The problem with that is that they are often far more optimistic about what you can do with their degree than is HR out in the business world.
In fact, Google “what can you do with a degree in” and look at how many pages there are trying to justify some of these majors. I just got 226 million page returns of mostly optimist outlooks for things like cultural studies, philosophy, and sociology. But reality is that HR doesn’t read those lists – HR reads the Occupational Outlook Handbook and HR is who will be hiring you and not a literature professor who thinks literature is the greatest major in the world. Has a drop down list of academic major groups and in each major area are listed the subfields. There is a link to “occupational crosswalk” that lists occupations that correspond with each major. Be cautioned though – the list of possible majors is massive.
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