Question by Aubrey: Jobs in the medical field that don’t require direct patient contact?
I’ve always loved medical stuff for years, pretty much ever since I was little. I’m always watching the recorded surgery procedures on TV and documentaries about patients and their extensive surgeries they have or rare diseases, and I even go onto medical forums and talk about this stuff online because I love it so much. 😛 But I’m about to goto college now and I’m wondering what jobs in the medical/doctor field there is where I’m not directly working with patients? I’d be too afraid to have someones life in my hands, what if I messed up? I just couldn’t do it, I don’t have the concentration, I don’t want to be a nurse, but what about medical researcher? Something? Thanks! 🙂
Best answer:
Answer by Matt
file clerk, secretary, working at a hospitol billing and adjustments
x-ray techs actually make good money and they don’t have to really touch
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