RESUME- CHENTUS@AOL.COM OBJECTIVE To obtain a position in the Media. Specifically Broadcasting, Film -Video Production & Editing, Multi Media, and Writing FILM /VIDEO EXPERIENCE PAT SCHOOL AUTOMOTIVE/MANUFACTURING INDUSTRIAL VIDEOS — 2010 Shot and edited Video Testimonials, Virtual Tour, and Web Commercial for Tech School. Shot in HD. Edited with Vegas Video 9.0 VERSUS/BLINK PRODUCTIONS — 2009 Production Assistant. Assembled equipment and cast. THE BIGGEST LOSER 5 — 2007 Casting Assistant. Assembled potential cast for Casting Director. DETOUR/FILM SHORT — 2007 2nd Assistant Director. Contacted Crew/ Assisted organizing set and props. AVENGER FILM TRAILER — 2006 Produced , wrote and directed film trailer. THE GAME OF OUR LIVES II: SCREEN GEMS PROD,- 2005 Second Camera Person. Shot with DVX100 A THE APPRENTICE 3/NBC PRODUCTIONS — 2004 Casting Assistant. Assembled actors during open call in Philadelphia. TKJR MARTIAL ARTS: MARKETING VIDEO/COMMERCIAL – 2003 Produced, Written, and Directed Marketing Video / Commercial for Martial Arts School. Shot in Digital 8. Edited in Final Cut Pro 2 CAPOEIRA: PHILADELPHIA – 2002 -2003 Produced, Written, and Directed Short Documentary about Afro- Brazilian Martial Art In Philadelphia. Shot in Digital 8. Edited in Pinnacle 8. First Aired on WYBE Channel 35. Sept 22, 29, 2003 MEDIA IMAGERY- POKER CHALLENGE: TAJ MAHAL – 2002 Production Assistant. Locked down Sets. Assembled props and equipment. HACK – TV SERIES – 2002 Production …
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Watch Champ as he puts together a beat for one of his upcoming singles. Please Comment!!
Video Rating: 4 / 5