MCI program to be featured on A&E’s ‘Beyond Scared Straight’
Film crews were at the Maryland Correctional Institution south of Hagerstown earlier this month shooting a segment for A&E Television’s “Beyond Scared Straight,” a program that teaches troubled youth about the realities of prison by putting them behind bars for a day with hardened criminals. Producer Arnold Shapiro said the series is different from his 1978 Academy-Award winning documentary …
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Television review: ‘Nancy Reagan’ and ‘Reagan’
Family and friends remember the 40th president and his wife in two documentaries. Ronald Reagan would have been 100 years old Sunday, an observation that is slightly ridiculous — he won’t be, of course, because he died in 2004. And yet, it’s significant enough to have launched his son Ron’s new book, “My Father at 100,” and two new documentaries that examine the legend of both the president and …
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Yorkton filmmaker’s documentary monitors reintroduction of endangered black-footed ferret into the wild
Getting the chance to come back to the Prairies to work was always a goal for filmmaker Kenton Vaughan.
Read more on Regina Leader-Post