Live the language – four short films that will make you want to pack your bags. Watch all four films about studying abroad with EF at Order a free EF brochure at
Video Rating: 4 / 5

Episode 23, part 1 of Student Short Films. This is a spotlight episode on actor Paul Cram with two student shorts Paul stars in and an interview with Paul in the studio. The shorts are “Somnium” by Philip Joncas staring Paul Cram and Amy Lathlander with Michael Irei on photograpy and Timmer O’Phelan assisting on editing. Music by the New Zealand band Hellserpoppin. Next is “Going to Seed” by Brianna Deihl and staring Paul Cram and Katrina Hawley. The story is inspired by the TS Elliot poem “The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock.” The Moby song “Strata” is used in this short via, an excellent free resource for music for student filmmakers. Hosted by Lawrence Levesque.
Video Rating: 5 / 5