www.superrad.net Commercials and Films by Writer Director David N. Donihue SUPER RAD MOTION PICTURE GROUP is a new company founded by Writer / Director David N. Donihue to create commercials and music videos for discriminating clients – who are looking not just for a professional look but also a creative and original piece. SUPER RAD provides full service production, advertising and branding services. Whether you have an idea or need one created to best promote your product or band, SUPER RAD is here to help. Donihue, known primarily as a feature filmmaker, has also done spots for Fit Conscious Happy, ABPS, Glacier Water, Nightline Dating Service, and many many more. SUPER RAD has also provided editing and graphics services to Nomadic, Wheelhouse, Strom Magallon Entertainment, Disney, Trailer Park, Just Dance (for Wii), Guitar Hero, and many more. Donihue’s feature films include Bang Bang Brokers (currently shooting), The Weathered Underground as well as writing and producing Parzania, which garnered Donihue two nominations for India’s Oscars, The Film Fare award.
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