“Puerto Rican Film Series 2008” continues its outdoor summer film series on Saturday August 23rd with two films “El TIEMPO” (TIME) directed by Anaida Hernandez and the 1950 classic “LOS PELOTEROS” (BASEBALL PLAYERS) by Jack Delano. Synopsis: “El Tiempo” (Time) 2005 25 minutes (Spanish with English subtitles) Directed by: Anaida Hernández Synopsis: A documentary based on five films produced during the 1950’s in Puerto Rico by the DivEdCo (Division of Community Education) in rural towns of Puerto Rico such as Fajardo, Bayamón, Orocovis and Comerío. El tiempo revisits these communities 50 years after the original films were produced and interviews the “natural actors” that participated in the original films. “Natural actors” from the films: Ignacio, El yugo, El puente, Los peloteros and Desde las nubes reflect on the changes of their communities 50 years later and the impact that these films had in their lives. This documentary was produced by the General Archives of Puerto Rico in commemoration of the 50 year Anniversary of the Instituto de Cultura Puertorriqueña in Puerto Rico. The General Archives of Puerto Rico is the custodian of the more than 112 films produced by the DivEdCo. El tiempo was awarded the Pitirre Award for Best National Documentary in the 2005 San Juan Cinemafest. It has been presented in several venues including the 2006 Boston Latino Film Festival and others. “Los Peloteros” (Baseball Players) 1950 60 minutes (Spanish) Directed by: Jack Delano Synopsis …
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Part of the marketing mix for Canford school – the programme captures the spirit of life at this top public school and celebrates opportunities available to pupils – including academic, social, the arts and many sports. Blue Sky Event & Media – www.blueskyuk.com Canford School – http
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