debate in those states as to whether or not this is financially sustainable but the net effect has been greater competition.
FBT Film and Entertainment would like to see the film tax credits extended in their current state. While other states have created programs with deeper discounts Louisiana has many other factors which help to level the playing field including unique locations, strong film infrastructure, a highly trained workforce and ongoing support from state and local officials.
This article is wrriten by Andre Savoie, President of WSI in New Orleans and manages online marketing for FBT Film and Entertainment that provides a full range of services for film producers looking to maximize their “Louisiana spend” on qualifying productions made in state. FBT Film has offices in New Orleans and Los Angeles as well as unique partnerships with Raleigh Films and Media Services. These partnerships allow FBT to offer film tax credits, financing, payroll and even post production. Call 504-584-5888 or contact us for more information.
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