Question by Dana: Mac Book or Mac Book Pro? Video Editing?
Here are my considerations:
I am going to be making one documentary, and perhaps another short documentary for my final senior project at my university. I’m going to start taking video editing classes in the Fall.
My plan is to use Final Cut Express to do my editing. I will have access to FC Pro on campus, and I understand the projects transfer between programs.
This summer I am filming while away from home: in Long Beach and Japan.
Also, while in Japan I want to stay in touch with family via email and perhaps video chat.
I’m a college student, so that means: poor. Working two, soon to be three jobs and I am starting to believe that even then I will barely make enough for the Mac Book Pro. Mac Book = $ 1000 for me, while MB Pro = $ 2007 (funny #, ne?)
I’m counting education discounts here, too!
Do I need a Mac Book or a Mac Book Pro to do the things I need? Will I just squeak by with a Mac Book, or will it be plenty strong enough? Thanks!
Best answer:
Answer by nate.w
Final cut express HD will run on a macbook, however final cut pro require sa macbook pro. The main difference between the two is the screen size and the fact that the macbook pro has a much more powerfull graphics adaptor. as the macbook has an intergratged graphics adaptor is it not suitable to run rinal cut pro.. see below..
An AGP or PCI Express Quartz Extreme graphics card (Final Cut Studio is not compatible with integrated Intel graphics processors)
An AGP or PCI Express graphics card compatible with Quartz Extreme or an Intel GMA integrated graphics processor in MacBook or Mac mini
So make your choice based on what software package you need to run. If you can get by using express HD then the macbook should be ok for you. I dont use my macbook for video editing, however i am very happy with the purchase!
any other questions pop me an an email!
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