Question by Cawwy: Macbook pro vs alienwarem15x for editing movies final cut vs avid?
do I need a mac to edit movies or would an alienware laptop work? what is the industry standard anymore, final cut or avid? I am going into a film making class and my teacher tells me the industry standard is final cut but for some reason I think he is wrong and that avid is still widely used. A laptop is a big investment and I want to make the right choice.
Best answer:
Answer by toasterphantom
Sorry, but your teacher is correct. Final Cut Pro is the industry standard. Avid isn’t unheard of, but if you want to learn what most feature films are editing on, your best bet is to just go with the mac and get final cut pro. You don’t need a mac, you can certainly make due with the other, but if you want industry standards, Final Cut Pro is your answer.
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