Question by Dazed: Making a short film. Any suggestions?
Hello. I am making a short film for NYU Tisch and my culminating project and i have the materials and everything but i was wondering what type of cameras are good for short films. I’m not expecting to make a super big budget short, just something that doesn’t look home-made to the crappiest lol. I am hoping to look into some hd cameras to borrow at my school’s video production class. Also, is a mic necessary? I know this is a bad place to ask but is it possible for me to find a local place in town where i can borrow camcorders for a couple of weeks after signing some contract? I’m in the Seattle area by the way. Thanks, guys.
Best answer:
Answer by Rita Guo
there are a lot of camera for you to choose. you can choose flip series camera for that it is portable and easy to use.
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