“Making Of – The Movie” is a parody of a behind the scenes documentary of a fake movie called “Love Eternal Love”. Full of clichés, slowly the public lose interest on the movie which the documentary is based on and connects more to the characters who represents its cast and technical crew, caricatures of the movie-making world. It’s fun for all ages! This movie was done for our Audiovisual Production class for the School of Social Communication of UFRJ, lectured by the professor Fernando Salis, on first semester of 2007. Writer and Director: Leandro Corrêa (www.dogviddog.com.br) Acting Director Leonie Gouveia Producer: Bruna Mariano Sound: Mariana Wiltshire Soundtrack: Rodrigo Andrade
Video Rating: 4 / 5
Greetings! This video has been made by me under impression of film the Klass. Forgive me, if I have admitted any grammatic mistakes, in fact English – Is not my native language =) Also i’ve gotta say sorry for Russian subs. When I was making this film…There was no original anywhere. I could find only this one w subs.
Video Rating: 4 / 5