Malayalam Film Happy Husbands Song Ale ale HQ Cinema Petti Malayalam Film Happy Husbands Trailer HQ Cinema Petti Happy Husbands is a Malayalam film released on January 14, 2010.[1] The film is directed by Saji Surendran. Jayaram, Indrajith, Rima Kallingal, Jayasurya, Samvrutha Sunil and Bhavana are playing the lead roles. The story of this film is adapted from the Tamil movie Charlie Chaplin. The story is also inspired from the Bollywood film No Entry Directed by Saji Surendran Produced by Milan Jaleel Written by Krishna Poojappura Starring Jayaram Indrajith Rima Kallingal Jayasurya Bhavana Samvrutha Sunil, Music by M. Jayachandran Editing by Manoj Distributed by Anantha Vision Language Malayalam

First is First: No copyright infringement intended All rights of motion picture content belong to Sony Computer Entertainment and Naughty Dog All rights of track sound (song) belong to Skiilet and WMG I do not own any of this footage nor music and in any way am I making amything out of it. This Montage was PURE FAN-MADE. This was done for pure entertainment and because Im the biggest Uncharted fan and Skillet fan as well. A Tribute To The Best Game Ever: Unchharted 2; Among Thives HD To the best game I ever played in my whole life. This is an AMV (Amimated Music Video) or a montage if you prefere using a well-known song; Hero by Skillet. Done in Sony Vegas Pro 9. Especial Thanks to: (all PSN accounts) ffburger striker123 littlemike koreanfire tredabest777 emnaq3 (me) Thanks for Watching!!! Like and Comment.
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