Socit Anonyme in 1920, along with Katherine Dreier and Man Ray. This was the beginning of his life-long involvement in art dealing and collecting. The group collected modern art works, and arranged modern art exhibitions and lectures throughout the 1930s.
By this time Walter Pach, one of the coordinators of the 1913 Armory Show, sought Duchamp’s advice on modern art. Beginning with Socit Anonyme, Dreier also depended on Duchamp’s counsel in gathering her collection, as did Arensberg. Later Peggy Guggenheim, Museum of Modern Art directors Alfred Barr and James Johnson Sweeney consulted with Duchamp on their modern art collections and shows.
Fountain 1917
New York Dada had a less serious tone than that of European Dadaism, and was not a particularly organized venture. Duchamp’s friend Picabia connected with the Dada group in