of Art
The Green Box. Notes and studies for The Bride Stripped Bare by Her Bachelors, Even. (1915-1923) Philadelphia Museum of Art
Rrose Slavy (1921- ) Duchamp’s female “alter-ego” who signed some works and was photographed by Man Ray.
Rotoreliefs (1920s) External link
Obligation Monte Carlo (1924) Also called Monte Carlo Bond. First done as a lithograph and collage in 1924 and again as a lithograph in 1938 for the Paris art revue XXe Siecle. External link
Anmic Cinma Film (1926) UbuWeb
Given: 1 The Waterfall, 2. The Illuminating Gas. (French: Etant donns: 1. la chute d’eau/2. le gaz d’clairage. Translation note: “Etant donns” translates from French to English as “Being given”, with emphasis on the existent ‘Being’ however the work is known in English as Given: 1 The….) (1946-1966) Philadelphia Museum