Science Research Laboratory site about researching Duchamp.
Marcel Duchamp – Olga’s Gallery pages with biography and images.
Marcel Duchamp Rotoreliefs – animated.
Marcel Duchamp (DADA Companion) – the Online Research Companion.
Inventing Marcel Duchamp: The Dynamics of Poraiture – online exhibition from the National Portrait Gallery, Smithsonian Institution.
Marcel Duchamp: Cooler Than Warhol – A great multimedia presentation about Duchamp’s history and work.
profile at
Essays about Duchamp
Marc Dcimo: Marcel Duchamp mis nu. A propos du processus cratif (Marcel Duchamp Stripped Bare. Apropos of the creative Act), Les presses du rel, Dijon (France), 2004.
Marc Dcimo:The Marcel Duchamp Library, perhaps (La Bibliothque de Marcel Duchamp, peut-tre), Les