When people go out to the movies each week and sit for two plus hours, they seldom think about all that goes into making a move. That there is someone, somewhere, who sat down with an idea in front of a blank computer screen and churned out the screenplay that became the movie they are watching. The director usually picks up the screenplay after it has been written and a studio attaches their name to it. There are many different types of directors that go along with a film, set directors or location directors, wardrobe directors and makeup directors, each who have a specific job and have all typically passed master film making classes in order to get where they are in the film industry.
In the beginning, the screenwriter writes the script for each of the other people who have a distinctive and separate job to do to stand upon and build up the movie from there. Each person adds to the vision of the director and the screenwriter. A casting company is called upon in order to find actors to fill the roles for the characters in the script. Many movies depend heavily on the characterization of what an actor brings to the table and who the casting company gets to play a part is very important.
Several students who end up in the movie business begin in high school, taking a course about where movies come from, why our society has movies and how they could be made. Almost every culture in the world has some type of movie and film industry, Hollywood happens to be the largest and is located in the Untied States. The basics are typically only what is covered in a beginning course in high school, but if a student is serious about their place in creating movies, then they will go on to college to learn more about the creation and a specific job within the movie industry.
A general movie making course is traditionally where a student in college or university would start out and learn all the various roles someone in the movie industry plays. It would be at that point, after they know all the different information regarding movie makers that they could decide which direction they would like their own career to head. There are some people who have a gift for vision and seeing the finished project so they might try directing; others have a gift for writing and could create the scripts.
An individual could take their movie making courses online or in person to help them learn the craft of movie making. There are classes for those who want to be a director in which these students usually take the scripts from the scriptwriting courses and direct the beginning or advanced actors. There are plenty of opportunities for everyone who creates movies to practice their new craft before securing a job in the field.
There are many jobs for people who want to help create movies. There are set designers and location scouts who also make sure a location is suitable for a scene. These are the people who will make sure a location, either indoors or outdoors, is a perfect match for what the writer has described. They are sometimes in charge of a construction or set crew who builds sets instead of using existing buildings to get what the writer and director want.
Typically, a scene will need people and this is where the actors come in. A director is the person who tells the actors how to say what is in the script and when to say things. They also tell them where to move and how to move at times. Some may think that an actor is simply a puppet saying and doing what the writer and director dictate, however, they must be good at what they do in order to make an audience believe the story they are telling.
People who want to learn every thing there is to know about the craft of making movies should enroll in master film making classes at their local university or as an online student. A student in a movie course will learn how a blank page on a computer screen get to become a blockbuster movie and the steps they can take to be a part of that process. A student will find out what type of job they might like to have working behind the scenes with a movie and what they need to do to learn everything they can about the craft of movie making.
Mike D.Edwards is a filmmaking enthusiast. Here’s a link for more great tips on Master Film Making Classes, and for other info on the subject visit http://www.MakeFilmsToday.com
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Independent Film Masters crew members working behind the scenes of great public service announcements. These were the work of filmmakers sharing their skills, creative vision, and time to bring to life some great social works. Some of us even went into middle schools to teach, train, and share our knowledge with the filmmakers of the future Thank you team for sharing your gifts.
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Produced at the Gulf Islands Film and Television School during the Youth Drama for Actors Program (July 5th – 11th, 2009) by [filmmakers]. [film description] Check out more GIFTS films at www.giftsfilms.com
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