For those wanting to work in film, television or video production, BTEC National Diploma in Media Production could be for you! This exciting course is taught by excellent tutors with cutting edge facilities. For more information, please phone 01284 716 333. University of Florida Archives Moving Image Collection Production number 30 Production title: Eight Sketches for Dance Trio and Prepared Piano Black and white/sound Total running time: 00:15:58 Announcer: Dr. Didier Graeffe Dancers: Sara Tate, Bidi Stuntz, Blair Jarrett Pianist: Dr. Didier Graeffe Available in VHS, DVD, and Sony DV-cam. Derived from 16 mm film. There is little production information available. Dr. Didier Graeffe probably produced the film. The film may have been made for use in particular courses in the Humanities Department. The film begins with a view of three dancers, two standing to the left and one in a modified straddle split dance position on the floor. Titles appear on the screen and then Dr. Didier Graffe is shown seated at a piano where he defines what a “prepared piano” is. The camera then shifts to the dances and they perform various dance sequences in a modern dance style. The “prepared piano” accompanies them throughout. Contents 0:00 Blank 0:35 Three dancers – titles appear. Dr. Didier Graeffe of the Humanities Department presents Eight Sketches for Dance Trio and Prepared Piano. 0:57 Graeffe is shown seated at a piano. He explains what a “prepared piano” is. Little pieces of wood, metal, cork, and rubber and put into the strings to obtain a percussive sound. 1:24 The dancers are shown while Graeffe mentions their names 1:32 Graeffe is again shown at the piano 1:36 The dancers proceed to dance to the accompaniment of the …
Video Rating: 5 / 5