Pilot television program produced by Synthetic Cinema International in 2008! Please visit the Synthetic Cinema website for more details: www.syntheticcinema.comFULL HIGH DEFINITION VIDEO PRODUCTION SERVICES Founded in 2004, Synthetic Cinema International specializes in the production, distribution, sales and financing of independent feature films. As a full-service independent production and distribution company, working within an ever-changing domestic and international marketplace, SCI is dedicated to delivering quality film products that are highly marketable. Synthetic Cinema is a professional video & film production company that can help guide a client from concept and scriptwriting to shooting, editing, duplication and final implementation.
August 19, 1977 — (Part 1 of 2) This clip is being released to promote the vintage KISS memorabilia auctions of eBay seller EliteWorks. You can view the auctions here: search.ebay.com In this amazing promotional film, shot at the San Diego Sports Arena, the late Bill McMannus is heard on the audio commentary track explaining, in unbelievable detail, exactly what his production company did to help create and sustain the KISS legacy. Bill recorded this audio commentary track in the 1980s for a promotional instructional LaserDisc. More clips will be listed each week as more auctions are listed. Please check out our other KISS clips and look for the latest news on vintage KISS collecting and more check out www.kissnews.de
Video Rating: 4 / 5