Question by Tipsy: Miami or NYC to study film?
So, while moving to Miami from Colombia and dealing with a breakup I came to the reality that my dream of becoming a filmmaker was getting twisted. Miami Dade College, which I am attending at the moment, is making me take all this other clases which have absolutely nothing to do with film, and the film history class I am taking sucks. Miami doesn’t really have much of a film community to relate to. So I am contemplating packing my bags once again and relocating to NYC. The only school I can afford to pay at the moment is Digital film academy, which is not the top school in the city, but at least is 100% film related. NYC also has a larger crow in independent film making and art in general. I am however still undecided, Suggestions>>>
Best answer:
Answer by Alma
It seems to me you have already decided. New York City is the mecca of film schools, so regardless of its prestige, I would definitly consider returning to the big apple. It’s not worth it if you’re miserable in Miami and you don’t enjoy the school you are PAYING for. If you have the talent and the drive, you should succeed and maybe finally even get a big break.
NYC all the way.
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