Question by nobrainer73: Move to Austin, TX or Los Angeles for indie filmmaking?
I am wondering if I should move to Los Angeles or Austin to make an indie movie. My goal is to make a micro-budget movie for under 30K (money hasn’t been raised yet) and build a small crew and shoot with the new DSLR cameras. I know that I could maybe get away with making it for slightly cheaper in Austin (when cost of living, permits, crew wages are factored in) than in LA which has more obstacles in terms of permits and such. And that’s important to me – decent cost of living and not break the bank to make your indie movie. Please give me your 2 cents as my lease is up and I have to decide soon. LA or Austin?
Best answer:
Answer by shizzle
definitely Austin – it’s an up and coming, hip, young city, and it’s a whole LOT cheaper than LA.
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