17th Annual Pan African Film & Arts Festival opens this year’s festival, running February 5-16 in Los Angeles, with the acclaimed South African drama “Jerusalema” directed by Ralph Zinman, hosted by 2009 PAFF Celebrity Host Blair Underwood. Musical artist support group, MusiCares, will present the Person of the Year Tribute To Neil Diamond, February 6 in Los Angeles. The Urban Individualists (helene_ruizartist@yahoo.com), a multicultural network of collaborating individualists, presents an exhibit, “Space and Time” that contemplates the subtle and apparent aspects and perspectives of connections and disconnections of time and space, opening with a gallery reception on February 7 and continuing through February 21, in New York’s East Village.
The “Guru of Rom-Com” and author of the screenwriting textbook, ‘Writing the Romantic Comedy’, Billy Mernit